Friday, February 19, 2010

Dragon Ball Love I Love Dragon Ball Z Are There Any Other Girls That Like Dragon Ball Z As Much As I Do?

I love dragon ball z are there any other girls that like dragon ball z as much as i do? - dragon ball love

Oh girrlll.
I love Dragon Ball Z.
I see them 24 / 7.
It's like my addiction.
Finally, someone who loves what I \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, 33


uhhokk said...

I observed this **** all the time. I have no more than 5 years. Vegeta was like my friend cartoons. hah.

MCGC said...

lol, I know that 6 million people worldwide. There are girls who love it as much as you.
I love DBZ, Dragon Ball, but I've always liked best.

♥~nichol... said...

I was so obsessed with her. I waited too long to go after a disappointing third round with the GT that I did not lol!

someone else had my name said...

In fact ... I know everything we know about DB / DBZ.

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